Samsung G532F/G/M Root File Free Download

Samsung G532F/G/M Root File Free Download

Samsung G532F/G/M/ Root & unlock
stap 1: Go to the settings of your device then enter about and press the build number several times then see the developer option is turned on now enter the developer option and turn on the OEM's unlock option then turn on USB 'Debugging.

Step 2: Install Samsung USB Divers on your computer and after downloading the root file unzip it then open the root English file then all you have to do is connect your device to the computer and click y / n 'then your Odin file Open.

Step 3: Now click on Odin start button, wait a few seconds, the phone will restart and turn on, now it has a passcode, now open your Samsung tool pro, select according to the model of your device, now click on unlock option, then flash with Samsung Stock Rom Day your work is over.

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